
Latest insights and emerging trends


Central to the shift in consumer behaviour is a new commuter class, called Jugglers. Jugglers tap into flexible work hours to weave daily tasks, such as school drop-offs and pick-ups, into their commute.

Almost half of drivers are demonstrating flexibility in their commuting times, with traditional peak parking hours blurred. 

This requires parking providers to pivot from conventional ‘Early Bird’ rates and fixed time slots to more flexible strategies.

Who are Jugglers?

Jugglers are not a specific age or geographic demographic – they’re workers who use their commute to complete other duties, such as school pick-up or drop-offs and supermarket trips. They might leave the office early and run errands, before logging on again from home - or simply use the commute to complete other tasks.

According to a Household Survey conducted by Wilson Parking, 72% of commuters use their journey to and from work to do something else. For example:

A Juggler is not simply a good multi-tasker, but balance their busy work and personal commitments as a way to get more done with their day.

Delivering solutions for this growing commuter group

Jugglers seek flexibility in their commute. The 9-to-5 routine is diminishing, with many enjoying the freedom to choose their in-office days and times they come into the office.

The car is key to this demographic. When looking at people that commute via car, the Juggler demographic makes up 88%. The car provides the convenience to commute at a time that the Jugglers’ schedule demands and delivers the flexibility to make stops, pick-up, or drop-off people (or pets) as needed.

Flexible parking options

Jugglers need parking options that allow them to come and go as they need, without the restrictions of fixed times such as those imposed by traditional Early Bird products. As their schedules are often flexible, Jugglers benefit from:

Digital Solutions provide convenience

The use of parking apps has soared over the last few years. Wilson Parking, Australia’s leading parking operator, continues to see a 28% year-on-year (YoY) growth in customer use of its app. The app has benefited from an evolution of product and support features, however, the driving force of this growth is due to the convenience, value and rewards given.

Tenant solutions make it easier to work from the office

More organisations are looking at flexible parking options to encourage people into the office. The emergence of tenant parking solutions allow organisations to manage their parking needs. With the ability to shuffle bays amongst staff and visitors, organisations are taking advantage of flexible working to allow more people to park as they need.

Parking management tools allow organisations to assign parking, whilst using data insights to improve allocation management and ensure more staff have access to parking.

Data driven decisions

With 72% of commuters likely to make stops on the way to or from work and 87% of them choosing flexible work schedules when offered, there’s a high demand for reliable and flexible parking. The most important step in meeting this demand is having real-time utilisation data to enable flexible parking solutions. Through the growth of digital solutions and data-based applications to understand the shift in trends, parking managers can adapt to the changes in customer needs and continue to provide flexible solutions that deliver the convenience of use, whilst adding value to the parker and tenant experience.

The evolving landscape of commuting preferences, especially among the dynamic Juggler demographic, underscores the significance of flexibility. The integration of digital tools and data-driven insights not only caters to the diverse needs of commuters but empowers parking managers to stay ahead in this era of changing work dynamics, ensuring a better experience for both parkers and tenants.